A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts Book 3) by K.G. Fletcher

A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts Book 3) by K.G. Fletcher

Author:K.G. Fletcher [Fletcher, K.G.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-12-30T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seventeen

“These books you found are great, Fiona. I love it that some of your favorites are included. I especially love it that you’re donating them to a good cause,” Chris joked, waving a book in the air before placing it on one of the open shelves in his library. The room was cold, but Fiona’s skin was fevered as she finally presented him with the second half of her surprise.

“There are a few more in here I thought you might like too.” Handing off the smaller box, she watched as Chris’s brow wrinkled. He took the box to the window seat and sat down. When he pulled the first book out and unwrapped the thin layer of tissue paper protecting the cover, his expression displayed shock.

“Fiona, what have you done?” Chris pulled the books out and rustled the paper off each one, carefully setting them next to him.

Biting her lower lip to hold back a smile, Fiona joined him in the comfortable niche and continued to watch his astonishment.

“These are…these are expensive, Fiona. These are books from the locked shelves behind Jack’s register, aren’t they?” He gently thumbed through the first book, peered at the copyright and glanced at the others surrounding him.

“Holy shit!” he chuckled. “I mean, these are The Works of William Shakespeare, from fucking 1880—all ten volumes. Are you kidding me?”

When he looked up at her, his eyes were a shimmering dazzle of blue. Fiona laughed at his excitement, happy to watch his giddy, almost childlike reaction to a bunch of old books. The man was certainly easy to please.

“After all these years, Jack won’t even let me browse what’s on those shelves. He’s always been protective of his prized collection. I had no idea he had Shakespeare among them. You must have charmed or cast a spell on him to get him to show you these. Seriously, what did I do to deserve this, Fiona? They’re incredible.”

Fiona demurely dipped her head and smiled. “Think of them as a house-warming present. It’s the least I could do, especially after you got me out of the city and let me tag along to this special place.”

“It is special, isn’t it?” Chris nodded, staring right at her. “What am I going to do with you?”

Fiona felt a slight fluttering in her stomach. She knew exactly what she wanted him to do with her. The look on his face had her coming undone, and she couldn’t help but recall the images of his naked body lying on top of her.

“It’s not too much. It makes me happy to watch your reaction. Just put them somewhere special in here, and every time you look at them…” she stopped mid-sentence, not sure if she could continue.

“Every time I look at them…what?” His gaze was soft and imploring. “Tell me, please.”

Fiona swallowed and sat up a little straighter. “Every time you look at them, think of your favorite city girl from time to time.”

Chris set the book he was holding to the side and reached out to palm her cheek.


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